Leading Through Positivity
The word ‘leader’ - a label many strive for and only a few achieve, used to be thrown around like confetti, landing on anyone who, in the literal sense of the term, was leading a person or group of people, no matter how qualified they were or how many leadership qualities they actually had. If you had people working for or beneath you, you were a leader, because those people could technically look up to you.
Nowadays, though, it’s not as easy to earn the title of ‘leader.’ People are starting to realize it takes a whole lot more to be a leader than just bossing others around. In my eyes, anyone is capable of being a leader, but it’s how we choose to direct our energy and be of service to others that determines who is who … determines the real leaders from the people who like to be in charge.
Sometimes, a real leader isn’t in charge of anyone at all, but rather, they make a point in their everyday lives to positively impact the lives of others, or they encourage those around them to be the best version of themselves with no expectation of something in return. A perfect example of this is an Instagram influencer by the handle @jstlbby, or Amber Wagner.
She first went viral for her immense positivity and the strong messages she sent into the social media world. That virality stayed with her and she soon gained over two million followers. When the first video hit the internet, which was just her voice and three-inch nails making a point about loving yourself, Amber made it clear that she is black, beautiful and proud of who she is.
Nothing about Amber says ‘insecure’ or ‘shy’. She says what she means and she definitely means what she says, and it’s always something uplifting and inspiring. One video in particular that really stuck out to me, and made me realize that even though she inspires via Instagram, via social media, she is a true leader, is one where she, very vulnerably, lets her followers take a peek into her work out regime. Running toward the camera, slightly out of breath but clearly enjoying every minute, she says “It’s never too late to start! It’s never too late. I just did a block, I have one more to go. It’s little baby steps, it’s a mind over matter thing!”
These words stuck with me, made me think about all the things I’ve been wanting to accomplish and get checked off of my list. It may be hard, daunting, even scary at times, to start a task or a goal that at the beginning seems too far off to fathom. All of that seems smaller and easier to handle, though, when taking into account Amber’s message: “It’s never too late to start… It’s mind over matter…”
I chose to write about Amber as my first story because I want it to be known that you don’t have to be in charge of people, telling people what to do, in order to be a leader. You can simply be encouraging and kind — with a strong, positive message — and people will look up to you just the same.
I also want it to be known that you don’t have to look or talk down to people in order for others to look up to you. In a lot of ways, treating people as equals, no matter their socially constructed ‘status’, gets you further than anything else. Respect is earned by giving it; leadership is achieved by accepting it. Treating others with kindness is not a weakness, but rather a sign of strength, especially when shown in a leadership position.
Amber has never talked down to anyone on her platform or made anyone feel like they weren’t worthy of unconditional love and acceptance. She respects everyone and makes sure you know that when you hear what she has to say. Scrolling through Amber’s Instagram feed, you can see she is a confident woman, just trying to share some light and warmth and positivity with a small section of the internet. And her corner of the internet is one of my favorites, making me want to better myself every time I come across one of her posts.
Amber Wagner is a leader, not because she’s in charge of anyone or because she tells anyone what to do. She is a leader because she inspires, motivates and uplifts as many people as she can … really, anyone who finds her Instagram page. She promotes self-love and self-acceptance, no matter your age, race, religion, sexuality or anything in between. She’s a leader because she spreads a message that others want — and maybe even need — to hear, especially in a time like this.
Leadership doesn’t always look the same on everyone, and it looks better on some people than on others. For Amber Wagner, it makes her shine. She makes people feel optimistic and confident, which is hopefully how readers feel after learning about the Instagram influencer, icon and all-around positivity booster that is @jstlbby.